Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wet shirts, breakups and the news

So I notice spots on a brand new shirt I'm only wearing for the second time. You'd think I could let it go until I got home from work and put said shirt in the laundry. But no. This is not how I function. I decided I needed to take immediate action and attempt to cleanse those damn spots. I have a thing about stains

So, instead of walking around the office with barely noticeable spots on my shirt, this is what I looked like:

Hmm.... my boobs look good from this angle...

I've also been obsessively reading about TomKat's breakup on The Daily Beast. You know, you start out with one article but then they have the ever so sly "You might also like" which leads to yet another article. Of course, I might also like! Because they're all related to dissecting this high-profile breakup to the enth degree, and each new article is like a line of coke (not that I would know, but I'm guessing it's quite similar).

A part of me secretly likes it when celebrities break up 'cause you know what? They're filthy f*ckin' rich and basically get to play all day, so yeah, a little pain to even things out makes me feel good. 

We started watching Aaron Sorkin's new TV series The Newsroom. Now, I'm a Sorkin fan but it feels eerily similar to that other Sorkin TV show, The West Wing, right down to the sweeping, melodramatic intro.

There's an ensemble cast portraying intelligent, witty, highly accomplished people, and there's a lot of walking around. Instead of the halls of the White House, it's now in a newsroom. 

The scripts are solid and chalk full of interesting facts and there's the obvious undercurrent of critique of current media practices which basically pander to the lowest common denominator and present what can best be described as "infotainment" rather than the actual news. 

However, I can't get past the recycled aspects of this show. Couldn't we have been a little more creative so it didn't feel like The West Wing with a different cast? Just because a TV show was wildly popular at one time doesn't mean we should rehash the same formula over and over again. It was a fresh, new approach back in the day but is now past its expiration date and just feels stale.

Most of the rhetoric contained in these scripts would be better suited to editorial pages and might be more effective as such.

Ooh, I think I got those stains out of my shirt. F*ck ya.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The death of TomKat. Who saw that one coming?

I'd love to say "I told you so"... and I will. I saw this coming from the start; from that weird, couch-jumping, fist-pumping spectacle on Oprah. Tom and Katie. It's been a "WTF?" since the very beginning. 

Numerous rumours swirled around these two and how, exactly, they got together. She auditioned and signed a contract to be Tom's 3rd wife. He's secretly gay and she's his front. I mean, who really knows?

But I can tell you what I do know, here and here.

Oh yes, I've followed TomKat throughout their courtship, breeding and subsequent marriage. I wonder if Katie realizes that this divorce will mean the end of her acting career? Because, let's face it, anything she's gotten since hooking up with Tom was, well, because of Tom. 

Remember Katie in Christopher Nolan's first Batman movie? Of course not. No one does. Zero charisma. No talent, for acting anyway. Although, she did play the part of Tom's wife quite convincingly. I'll give her that. And she probably doesn't want her daughter brought up as a Scientologist and I support her in this. One less Scientologist in the world just makes the planet a slightly more sane place.

It's too bad Tom's kinda nuts. He's been around forever, in Hollywood years, and has had some memorable roles, ones I actually liked, for instance in Jerry Maguire and Tropic Thunder. But he's got the religious zeal thing going on, and that's a real turnoff.

Maybe their courtship started out as a publicity stunt since the unveiling of their peculiar relationship took place amidst openings for one of Tom's Mission Impossible movies and for Katie's Batman film. Not that she had any impact in that movie whatsoever but Tom certainly brought some attention to it by dating Katie at a most opportune time. 

It pains me to this day that Katie was cast alongside Christian Bale for Batman. Who does that? Doesn't Christian deserve better? Anyhoo...

I was a bit shocked, but not surprised, at the headline that TomKat were divorcing, and more so that Katie filed for divorce, and not Tom. I didn't think she had it in her since she's been acting like a lobotomized robot for the past five or six years. However, in the last few photos I've seen of them, Katie looked distraught, unhappy.

I guess being married to Tom Cruise ain't all it's cracked up to be.


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