Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kidman is Kinky

Yowza... Nicole Kidman has a wild side? In an interview with British GQ, Kidman confesses to exploring "strange sexual fetish stuff" among other things. Of course, those other things don't sound nearly as interesting and incendiary as "strange sexual fetish stuff" which is why that particular quote is included in the title of the Huffington Post article that caught my eye. Those media people, they're shifty, and I'm so predictable. They know this and they exploit. Bastards.

I like Nicole. I think she's a talented actress but she always looks like she has a broomstick up her ass. I never thought of her as the type who would wander into the land of "strange sexual fetish stuff". Although, being married to a closeted homosexual for like, a decade, might make you do strange things. So I guess it's not that surprising.

Interestingly, she refuses to discuss her marriage to Tom Cruise, citing "I want to honour that marriage for what it was [...]". Let me fill in the blank: a business deal assuring Tom a bulletproof heterosexual cover. I'm guessing she won't talk about it because she can't, as in the Church of Scientology has forbidden her to say a word about how she and Tom broke up because she didn't want any part of the Cult of Crazy. Have no doubt, she cut some kind of deal with them. They leave her alone, she doesn't out her ex-husband or the inner workings of his "religion". I can't reproach her for that. Just cut your losses and move on.

And move on she did, to become an Oscar-winning movie star. Bravo, Nicole, bravo. Besides, we have Paul Haggis to out the Scientologists. So all is right with the world. And Tom has Katie Stepford Holmes who won't cause any trouble. Isn't it ironic that Nicole Kidman starred in a 2004 remake of the Stepford Wives? A fate she luckily avoided.

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